Getting Started

< 1 min read

How to log in and complete lessons that your teacher has assigned to you. #

How do I access THiNKtech? #

Visit and bookmark this page on your browser or save as a shortcut for easy access.

How do I enter a lesson? #

Start by going to Select the “Student” icon at the top right corner of the screen. From there, enter your name and the lesson ID provided by your teacher and hit enter! You can also join directly by going to

How should I enter my name? #

THiNKtech doesn’t operate off student profiles so students should look for teachers’ directions on how to identify themselves. Ex. John, John D, John Doe

How do I complete a lesson? #

Once you’ve joined a lesson start by reading the question or prompt written by your teacher. Next, review any supporting materials- these can be any images, videos, math equations or PDFs your teacher has attached to the task. Lastly, respond to the lesson accordingly whether it be verbal, written, illustration, matching, sorting, multiple choice or other. 

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